Iraq: Seven Years of War: "Roadside Bomb"

The reality of war for soldiers in Iraq is one of roadside bombs, suicide car bombings, heat exhaustion and loss. Although dedication for most continues to be strong, the hardships intensify with the violence. “We're tired of seeing our friends die for a war we don't understand,” said one soldier after a memorial service in Baquba, Iraq. Spec. Hugo Gonzalez prays while being treated in an Army emergency ward in Baquba after suffering shrapnel wounds from a roadside bomb while traveling in an unarmored Humvee.
"Roadside Bomb", Baquba, Iraq. June 2004

The reality of war for soldiers in Iraq is one of roadside bombs, suicide car bombings, heat exhaustion and loss. Although dedication for most continues to be strong, the hardships intensify with the violence. “We're tired of seeing our friends die for a war we don't understand,” said one soldier after a memorial service in Baquba, Iraq. Spec. Hugo Gonzalez prays while being treated in an Army emergency ward in Baquba after suffering shrapnel wounds from a roadside bomb while traveling in an unarmored Humvee.